Friday, November 04, 2011

slang changes

What we need to understand is that slang changes over the years. John Titor did not use any 2030 isms. Wele as far as we could see.

Here are some 50's slang words for you. Yeah, so cool it pops!


Jonathan said...


I know this is off-topic, but I thought this was the best way to contact you since you frequently post blogs here.

I know that time travel is possible through the HDR, astral projection, shamanic journeying, psychic ability, technology, and possibily other sources, and I want to go back and change an event in my past as soon as possible.

From comments I've read online, John Bajak's flux capacitor definitely works for time distortion (speeding up or slowing down time), but does it work for going back and forth in time? I'm unable to find clear guidelines of its usage (Bajak's weren't clear on how to travel backward or forward). Have you used this device? I thought I could come up with the parts quickly, and it's affordable.

I've been wanting to ask people about it on the timechatter forum, but I have to wait until my registration is accepted, the forum is a ghost town, and the users I've wanted to contact don't have their emails posted in their profile (and I don't blame them). Do you recommend a certain device, or can you refer me to someone who's made or used a device and altered their past?

Thank you.

HDRKID said...

Hi John:

I use an HDR for astral. It works well for me. Call Steven to get more information on how to use an HDR.