Saturday, January 20, 2007

Global Warming May Cause the Next Ice Age

In the movie "An Inconvenient Truth", former Vice President Al Gore talks about the problems of Global warming. It seems that the melting of the polar icecap in Greenland may cause a rise in sea level of thirty feet drowning most of Florida and the coastal United States, but more chilling than that it could plunge the world into an ice age.

You might wonder how can global warming cause an ice age?

Well, what happens is that a plug of fresh water from the melting Greenland glacier drowns out the global conveyor. The gulf stream bringing warm water to Europe and the Eastern United States stops flowing and Europe becomes an icebox.

Snow does not melt in the now fridgid summers, it piles up into gigantic drift. The world slowly cools into a frozen mass. Can this happen?

Using HDR boosted astral time travel I saw the oceans of the world freeze over. It was scary. People froze to death and it snowed in the tropics.