Thursday, February 01, 2007

Global warming causes big hurricanes

A scientific report that global warming is linked to stronger hurricanes came out today. The report says that tropical cyclonic winds have increased in strength due to greenhouse gases produced by human activity.

In the previous report - 2001, the panel had stated that there was insufficient evidence to warrant said conclusion. With the latest data there is little doubt that the increase in terrible category five storms is due to warmer than normal oceanic waters caused by an accumulation of greenhouses gases, namely CO2, brought on by modern industrial activity.

According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Kerry Emanuel, "The increase in Atlantic hurricane strength is so beautifully correlated with sea surface there can't be much doubt that there's a relationship with sea surface temperature."

In other words we will face more and stronger storms in the future as global warming increases. I predict a dramatic decline in prices of coastal real estate and rising insurance rates.