Saturday, November 04, 2006

Scientist researches bigfoot

Prof Jeffrey Meldrum has a PHD in anatomical sciences. He is a tenured professor at Idaho State University. Other faculty members want him gone. They want to revoke tenure and fire him.

The reason is that Jeff is studying the evidence for bigfoot. Most scientists are debunkers and are very narrow minded. They claim that bigfoot is pseudo science and that even studying the evidence is wrong.

I have here the reason why so few scientists test the HDR or study time travel evidence - they do not want to be fired. The few brave souls out there that do - pay with their careers for saying anything contrary to the party line.

Steven Gibbs gave much evidence to SONA or Scientists of the New Atlantis, he did a lot of research, only to be laughed at by the mainstream.

This lack of looking at the evidence is why debunkers are so negative. They claim that they want to prevent "pollution" of orthodox science. They simply are afraid of new truth. Anything that challenges that status quo and might bring about a new dawn.

Why do we talk about 100mpg cars in the future and solar cars in the future? When this tech has been around for over 50 years? We need a new approach.

We need to think outside the box.