Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Missing Vortex!

This morning was the morning of a full moon. A time which according to Steven
Gibbs (HDR)
is great to use the Hyper
Dimensional Resonator, or HDR
. I used my cell
sensor (EMF detector)
to attempt to find a vortex near my house, but could
not find one. A vortex is a magnetic anomaly that according to Steven Gibbs, inventor
of the HDR, allow a person to become a time traveller. The
HDR is a radionics machine invented by Steven Gibbs.
Usually the cell
will alert me to the presence of a vortex by beeping. The cell
sensor will also start blinking red. The
speed of the beeps and blinks increasing as I near the center of the vortex or
grid point. Perhaps this vortex was too weak to register on the cell sensor, or
the vortex had moved to another location.