Saturday, June 09, 2007

Predictions of future events

When the meteorologist tells you that a big thunderstorm is headed your way - do you pack up your picnic supplies and look at those dark clouds at the horizon and how they are getting closer, or do you say - He's an fool only predicts doom and gloom.

I can tell you that predicting the weather is not an exact science. Sometimes rain is predicted and it does not come. Sometimes a hurricane will mysteriously change its course and hit the "wrong" town. However, most of the time, the predictions are on the mark.

Now I am going to share a few prediction I made back in 2001.

APPLE - Big success in 2007 with Iphone
GOOGLE - Becoming the biggest search engine
EXXON - Record Profits

Back then debunkers said "Yahoo will never let Google become number one. You are an idiot. Also Bill Gates will make MSN number two."

"Apple is a computer company you fool, not a phone company. They would have to spend billions building their phone towers. Also AT&T would crush them."

"We are swimming in oil, peak oil is a hoax. Exxon is a has been company. New energy efficient cars will decrease the demand for oil."

"If the future price of oil goes up we will turn to other forms of energy like coal."

Guess what, we still run most cars off gasoline, with very few running diesel or E85. The price of gasoline has more than tripled since 2001 and the minimum wage will hopefully go up this year, finally.

Fearing rising fuel costs - many cities have doubled public transportation costs from a dollar a bus ride to two, hitting the poor especially hard.