Monday, December 05, 2005

Coming Events for 2006

Using astral time travel I have seen a lot of troubles ahead. Many earthquakes and hurricanes. Not a good idea to be near the coast.

Ed Dames says the Bird Flu will hit, but I saw that more in 2008 than in 2006. It might be that I am wrong, but it feels a few years away.

He says that the Bird Flu will totally destroy the economy. Tell me about it. In my jump to 2026 the total population of the US + CANADA was 6 million. Most people died of disease, not starvation or radiation.

Most people worry about WWIII and the devastation cause by WMD. You are savvy to be concerned about your future. Canada is safer than the US, but certain cities will get hit. Toronto and Ottawa are vaporized, but Calgary and Edmonton are spared.

Expect an invasion of Iran by the US. Iran is building the bomb and we have to stop them. They now are buying missles from Russia to prepare for the war. This war will jack up the price of oil and cause hyperinflation. Expect a draft and many demonstrations.