Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Building an ORAC for HDR

Using an Orgone Accumulator (ORAC) with the HDR is my latest experiment. I plant to test the HDR with the ORAC to see what properties orgone energy has that could help the HDR.

Building an ORAC for use with HDR is quite simple. In fact, I created a video on how to build an ORAC for HDR.

You need some organic cloth (cotton, wool, linen) and some metal foil to trap the orgone energy that is caught inside the Orgone Accumulator or ORAC.

Hopefully this will increase the abilities of the Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR) and allow the user of the HDR to improve the results they are receiving.


HDRKID said...

To go astral you have to really focus on the time period you wish to visit. I often land on the wrong year. Getting the STICK is a pain. I can usually land near the year, for example if I am shooting for 1915, I might land in 1917. Put an item in the witness well like a coin from 1915. Have a great time trip!